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Phone Sex • Sexting • Cam • Erotic Emailing — Est. 1990
Rave Reviews
I enjoyed everything, I can't pick just one thing! Mistress Ami wanted to know what scene i wanted to explore and then asked if there was anything specific i wanted to do in the scene and if there was anything I didn't want. Mistress Ami is amazing. She always takes the time to find out what I'm into the mood for before each session starts. —PEP Lover
I've always enjoyed my sexting sessions with Goddess Reba and it had been awhile since i had one with her. I most enjoyed how Goddess Reba took her dream scene from her essay and combined it with what I like ... I was captivated by her ability to slowly crank up the intensity of the session. Goddess Reba always remembers what I'm into and includes it in every session. —PEP Lover
I enjoyed how detailed and exciting the session was. Even though it was a quick session, Mistress Quin was able to get me where i/she wanted me to be! —PEP Lover
Sera, this was flawless - as usual. Thank YOU. -PEP Lover
I enjoyed how Mistress Daisy started right in and never let up until the end of our session. Mistress Daisy always knows what buttons to push and knows exactly what I need! —PEP Lover
I enjoyed how Mistress Justice remembered what I was into and asked if there was anything else I wanted to try. When we established all that, Mistress started right in on a very intense and detailed session! —PEP Lover
I enjoyed how Goddess Reba took my enjoyment if pain and used it to her fullest advantage! —PEP Lover
I most enjoyed the lovely conversation with Giselle, intricately detailed fetishes, and exploration of uncommon subjects (opera gloves, hypnosis, robots). My most profound thanks. —PEP Lover
I enjoyed how intense and extreme our fantasy/role play session was. There were a couple things near the end of the session that seemed intense [and were] fun, but looking back, I think it was a little too intense for me. Even though I mentioned what I would change during my session with Mistress Dark, I did it because I wanted to test my limits. I still look forward to my next session with her! —PEP Lover
Like two magicians, these two woman combined chocolate, mothering and romance! My call with Ami and Quin was exciting, magical, fiery! —PEP Lover