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It is always our pleasure to connect you to the experience of a lifetime.
Phone Sex • Sexting • Cam • Erotic Emailing — Est. 1990
Rave Reviews
Having sessions with Miss Reba has been extremely cathartic for me. Miss Reba is able to bring out in me things that I have never talked about with anyone else in my life. How she does this I don't know, but I am grateful. Her ability to listen and then give direction is mind blowing. I'm always nervous before a call, I don't know why, and then once I hear Miss Reba's voice I relax. Her soothing, and seductive, voice starts to cast a spell over me that just takes me into a space of comfort and excitement all at the same time. When I envision being in her presence and seeing that spectacular form of femininity and power, I'm overcome with appreciation and arousal. When I look at the photos you've posted I'm dumbfounded. When I see those pictures of that extraordinary body, those captivating expressions, that ASS ... My god, it can be overwhelming. Miss Reba is a gift that I recognize is so uncommon, and I also recognize how lucky I am to experience. Thank you, PEP, for making this gift to me possible. —PEP Lover
I most enjoyed the ease and relaxed feeling of talking to Quin and the way she came across seemingly enjoying herself; also she's a good listener! My experience felt unique and calming ... —PEP Lover
Miss Reba does an amazing job of asking questions to ensure she's able to give me the best experience possible. She is a wonderful listener while at the same time taking control of the scene with her mesmerizing power. When she told me to imagine worshiping her magnificent ass, imagine it being over me, smelling it, tasting it, was all so intoxicating! What a delicious vision. I was so powerless. So under the spell of that spectacular ass. What a wonderful gift I was given! It had been way too long since I was able to have a session with Miss Reba Xtreme. Our call was delicious. —PEP Lover
I enjoyed how our session started out sweet and slowly became extreme. Goddess Reba lives up to her name: Extreme. And that's what makes her extremely good at what she does! —PEP Lover
I enjoyed how creative and detailed the session was. Goddess Vivian is really good at being very descriptive! Goddess Vivian is one of my top 3 favorite Mistresses at PEP! —PEP Lover
I enjoyed how detailed Giselle was. I could imagine that I was really there! —PEP Lover
I most enjoyed Quin's sexy maternalism. It was safe! Passionate! And cathartic. —PEP Lover
I most enjoyed the fact that I was able to leave reality for a little while and play out a fantasy with Ami. I have always loved PEP and all the ladies, my 2 favorites are Sera and Ami who seem to really understand my fantasies and how important it is to be precise in playing them out, they are just so good at it every time! —PEP Lover
Everything. I love how Mistress Daisy can be sweet one moment and sadistic the very next moment. It's obvious Mistress Daisy loves what she does and she's amazing at it! —PEP Lover
I enjoyed everything, like I always do. Fun, fun, fun! Goddess Vivian is amazing at doing detailed scenarios. —PEP Lover