PEPLOVE.COM contains content restricted to adults. You must be 18 years of age or older to access our site, and you must agree to our Terms of Service.
It is always our pleasure to connect you to the experience of a lifetime.
PEPLOVE.COM contains content restricted to adults. You must be 18 years of age or older to access our site, and you must agree to our Terms of Service.
It is always our pleasure to connect you to the experience of a lifetime.
Please do leave a voice mail if you don't reach us. We do our best to return your call within 24 hours.
PEP's LoveLine allows new callers to get some basic info, and allows our longtime PEP Lovers to connect for a quick question or recommendation. Ami, Daisy, Giselle, Justice, Nina, & Vivian rotate answering the Lines, & especially love connecting you w/ the call of your dreams ... xo
PEP's LoveLine has long served our PEP Callers, PEP Pervs, PEP Lovers. Whether you're a PEP virgin or a PEP aficionado, whether it's your first time here or you consider us your home away from home, PEP's LoveLine exists to ensure you can stay connected.
Got a quick question? Our Ladies rotate answering 505.796.6464. All of PEP's Leading Ladies love ensuring you have the info you need to have the best, most pleasurable experience ...
Ask for our NEW TO YOU Deal the very first time you talk w/ EACH PEP Lady.
All of PEP's Rate information is accessible here. Every month, we revel in celebrating our Ladies' PEP Anniversaries, shining the Spotlight on our talented team members, and inviting you to connect via special rates. We also love our Fortnite Highlights, which give you the sweet bite of Lady-specific experience.
Not sure where to start? We recommend pouring your favorite beverage, popping in your earbuds or putting on your headphones, and slowly perusing our Ladies' Portfolios. You'll be able to hear our Ladies' voices, learn about their favorite kinks, and see an array of photos. Follow their links to see their social media, and to feast on the short essays and erotic stories they've penned. Once you have a sense of which Lady you'd like to call, take note of her Availability, and find the right time to call her - and book our New to You Deal.
Can't choose? We get it! ALL of our Ladies are INCREDIBLE conversationalists, truly kinky, and absolutely delightful to play with. You are so welcome to call the LoveLine for a recommendation on which Lady to book with first.
Our New to You Deal makes booking at least once with each PEP Lady more accessible. We want you to taste the full flight, the mouth-watering buffet, the whole delectable PEP menu ... you deserve it all
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