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It is always our pleasure to connect you to the experience of a lifetime.
Phone Sex • Sexting • Cam • Erotic Emailing — Est. 1990
From Our Executive Liaison's Desk to You, PEP Lovers
Hello PEP Lover,
It’s me, Nina Rose, here with a special announcement.
Many of you have called me since I started at PEP in July of 2019; you’ve loved my voice, my patience, my prerogative … my ability to dive deep into your most surreptitious fantasies in ways that make you feel like you’re watching forbidden shows on Basic Cable. You’ve relished late night texting with me that makes the world feel like it’s stopped all its judgment and opened space just for your orgasms. Many of you know that day or night, online or offline, I answer your calls, even just to tell you I’m at the market and I will make time for you as soon as I get home.
You are all so fond of me and the feeling is very mutual. I appreciate each and every PEP Lover, from those who’ve called since the 1990s to those of you who just found us; we the people have exchanged power over and over again. I am excited to announce my new position here at PEP Connections: Executive Liaison.
What is this title, you ask? Simply, I am your go to Lady for any questions, from special billing practices to recommendations. I will answer many of your LoveLine calls, and you will be able to text me at 505.255.9255 with quick questions. I will help you connect with the right lady at the right time and handle any special billing practices along the way. My new position comes with the departure of Sera Miles, as she will no longer be taking client calls, but is still running PEP Connections. I am the woman happily, sensually, powerfully in the middle between Sera and you, PEP Lover.
I promise to pass along any messages and to take very good care of you. Here’s to a fantastic Fall and an amazing 2024!